BattlegroundAV Class Reference

#include <BattlegroundAV.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for BattlegroundAV:

Public Member Functions

 BattlegroundAV (BattlegroundTemplate const *battlegroundTemplate)
 ~BattlegroundAV ()=default
void StartingEventOpenDoors () override
void RemovePlayer (Player *player, ObjectGuid guid, uint32 team) override
bool SetupBattleground () override
void UpdateScore (Team team, int16 points)
void HandleInteractCapturableObject (Player *player, GameObject *target)
void HandleKillPlayer (Player *player, Player *killer) override
void HandleKillUnit (Creature *unit, Unit *killer) override
void HandleQuestComplete (uint32 questid, Player *player) override
void EndBattleground (Team winner) override
WorldSafeLocsEntry const * GetExploitTeleportLocation (Team team) override
Team GetPrematureWinner () override
void OnGameObjectCreate (GameObject *gameObject) override
void OnCreatureCreate (Creature *creature) override
uint32 GetData (uint32 dataId) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Battleground
 Battleground (BattlegroundTemplate const *battlegroundTemplate)
 Battleground (Battleground const &)
virtual ~Battleground ()
Battlegroundoperator= (Battleground const &)=delete
void Update (uint32 diff)
virtual bool SetupBattleground ()
virtual void Reset ()
virtual void StartingEventCloseDoors ()
virtual void StartingEventOpenDoors ()
virtual void DestroyGate (Player *, GameObject *)
void TriggerGameEvent (uint32 gameEventId, WorldObject *source=nullptr, WorldObject *target=nullptr) override
char const * GetName () const
BattlegroundTypeId GetTypeID () const
BattlegroundBracketId GetBracketId () const
uint32 GetInstanceID () const
BattlegroundStatus GetStatus () const
uint32 GetClientInstanceID () const
uint32 GetElapsedTime () const
uint32 GetRemainingTime () const
uint32 GetMaxPlayers () const
uint32 GetMinPlayers () const
uint32 GetMinLevel () const
uint32 GetMaxLevel () const
uint32 GetMaxPlayersPerTeam () const
uint32 GetMinPlayersPerTeam () const
int32 GetStartDelayTime () const
uint8 GetArenaType () const
PvPTeamId GetWinner () const
uint32 GetScriptId () const
uint32 GetBonusHonorFromKill (uint32 kills) const
void SetBracket (PVPDifficultyEntry const *bracketEntry)
void SetInstanceID (uint32 InstanceID)
void SetStatus (BattlegroundStatus Status)
void SetClientInstanceID (uint32 InstanceID)
void SetElapsedTime (uint32 Time)
void SetRemainingTime (uint32 Time)
void SetRated (bool state)
void SetArenaType (uint8 type)
void SetWinner (PvPTeamId winnerTeamId)
std::unordered_set< uint32 > const * GetPvpStatIds () const
void ModifyStartDelayTime (int diff)
void SetStartDelayTime (int Time)
void AddToBGFreeSlotQueue ()
void RemoveFromBGFreeSlotQueue ()
void DecreaseInvitedCount (Team team)
void IncreaseInvitedCount (Team team)
uint32 GetInvitedCount (Team team) const
bool HasFreeSlots () const
uint32 GetFreeSlotsForTeam (Team team) const
bool isArena () const
bool isBattleground () const
bool isRated () const
BattlegroundPlayerMap const & GetPlayers () const
uint32 GetPlayersSize () const
uint32 GetPlayerScoresSize () const
void StartBattleground ()
GameObjectGetBGObject (uint32 type, bool logError=true)
CreatureGetBGCreature (uint32 type, bool logError=true)
uint32 GetMapId () const
void SetBgMap (BattlegroundMap *map)
BattlegroundMapGetBgMap () const
BattlegroundMapFindBgMap () const
WorldSafeLocsEntry const * GetTeamStartPosition (TeamId teamId) const
float GetStartMaxDist () const
void SendPacketToTeam (Team team, WorldPacket const *packet, Player *except=nullptr) const
void SendPacketToAll (WorldPacket const *packet) const
void SendChatMessage (Creature *source, uint8 textId, WorldObject *target=nullptr)
void SendBroadcastText (uint32 id, ChatMsg msgType, WorldObject const *target=nullptr)
template<class Do >
void BroadcastWorker (Do &_do)
void PlaySoundToTeam (uint32 SoundID, Team team)
void PlaySoundToAll (uint32 SoundID)
void CastSpellOnTeam (uint32 SpellID, Team team)
void RemoveAuraOnTeam (uint32 SpellID, Team team)
void RewardHonorToTeam (uint32 Honor, Team team)
void RewardReputationToTeam (uint32 faction_id, uint32 Reputation, Team team)
void UpdateWorldState (int32 worldStateId, int32 value, bool hidden=false)
virtual void EndBattleground (Team winner)
void BlockMovement (Player *player)
void SendMessageToAll (uint32 entry, ChatMsg type, Player const *source=nullptr)
void PSendMessageToAll (uint32 entry, ChatMsg type, Player const *source,...)
GroupGetBgRaid (Team team) const
void SetBgRaid (Team team, Group *bg_raid)
virtual void BuildPvPLogDataPacket (WorldPackets::Battleground::PVPMatchStatistics &pvpLogData) const
BattlegroundScore const * GetBattlegroundScore (Player *player) const
virtual bool UpdatePlayerScore (Player *player, uint32 type, uint32 value, bool doAddHonor=true)
void UpdatePvpStat (Player *player, uint32 pvpStatId, uint32 value)
uint32 GetPlayersCountByTeam (Team team) const
uint32 GetAlivePlayersCountByTeam (Team team) const
void UpdatePlayersCountByTeam (Team team, bool remove)
virtual void CheckWinConditions ()
void SetArenaTeamIdForTeam (Team team, uint32 ArenaTeamId)
uint32 GetArenaTeamIdForTeam (Team team) const
uint32 GetArenaTeamIdByIndex (TeamId teamId) const
void SetArenaMatchmakerRating (Team team, uint32 MMR)
uint32 GetArenaMatchmakerRating (Team team) const
virtual void HandleAreaTrigger (Player *, uint32, bool)
virtual void HandleKillPlayer (Player *player, Player *killer)
virtual void HandleKillUnit (Creature *, Unit *)
virtual void EventPlayerDroppedFlag (Player *)
virtual void EventPlayerClickedOnFlag (Player *, GameObject *)
void EventPlayerLoggedIn (Player *player)
void EventPlayerLoggedOut (Player *player)
void ProcessEvent (WorldObject *, uint32, WorldObject *) override
virtual void HandlePlayerResurrect (Player *)
virtual WorldSafeLocsEntry const * GetClosestGraveyard (Player *player)
virtual WorldSafeLocsEntry const * GetExploitTeleportLocation (Team)
void TeleportPlayerToExploitLocation (Player *player)
virtual void AddPlayer (Player *player, BattlegroundQueueTypeId queueId)
void AddOrSetPlayerToCorrectBgGroup (Player *player, Team team)
virtual void RemovePlayerAtLeave (ObjectGuid guid, bool Transport, bool SendPacket)
void SpawnBGObject (uint32 type, uint32 respawntime)
virtual bool AddObject (uint32 type, uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float o, float rotation0, float rotation1, float rotation2, float rotation3, uint32 respawnTime=0, GOState goState=GO_STATE_READY)
bool AddObject (uint32 type, uint32 entry, Position const &pos, float rotation0, float rotation1, float rotation2, float rotation3, uint32 respawnTime=0, GOState goState=GO_STATE_READY)
virtual CreatureAddCreature (uint32 entry, uint32 type, float x, float y, float z, float o, TeamId teamId=TEAM_NEUTRAL, uint32 respawntime=0, Transport *transport=nullptr)
CreatureAddCreature (uint32 entry, uint32 type, Position const &pos, TeamId teamId=TEAM_NEUTRAL, uint32 respawntime=0, Transport *transport=nullptr)
bool DelCreature (uint32 type)
bool DelObject (uint32 type)
bool RemoveObjectFromWorld (uint32 type)
virtual bool AddSpiritGuide (uint32 type, float x, float y, float z, float o, TeamId teamId=TEAM_NEUTRAL)
bool AddSpiritGuide (uint32 type, Position const &pos, TeamId teamId=TEAM_NEUTRAL)
int32 GetObjectType (ObjectGuid guid)
void DoorOpen (uint32 type)
void DoorClose (uint32 type)
virtual bool HandlePlayerUnderMap (Player *)
Team GetPlayerTeam (ObjectGuid guid) const
Team GetOtherTeam (Team team) const
bool IsPlayerInBattleground (ObjectGuid guid) const
bool IsPlayerMercenaryInBattleground (ObjectGuid guid) const
bool ToBeDeleted () const
void SetDeleteThis ()
void RewardXPAtKill (Player *killer, Player *victim)
bool CanAwardArenaPoints () const
virtual ObjectGuid GetFlagPickerGUID (int32=-1) const
virtual void SetDroppedFlagGUID (ObjectGuid, int32=-1)
virtual void HandleQuestComplete (uint32, Player *)
virtual bool CanActivateGO (int32, uint32) const
virtual bool IsSpellAllowed (uint32, Player const *) const
uint32 GetTeamScore (TeamId teamId) const
virtual Team GetPrematureWinner ()
uint8 GetUniqueBracketId () const
void AddPlayerPosition (WorldPackets::Battleground::BattlegroundPlayerPosition const &position)
void RemovePlayerPosition (ObjectGuid guid)
BattlegroundPlayer const * GetBattlegroundPlayerData (ObjectGuid const &playerGuid) const
virtual void OnMapSet (BattlegroundMap *map)
Trinity::unique_weak_ptr< BattlegroundGetWeakPtr () const
void SetWeakPtr (Trinity::unique_weak_ptr< Battleground > weakRef)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ZoneScript
 ZoneScript ()
 ZoneScript (ZoneScript const &right)
 ZoneScript (ZoneScript &&right) noexcept
ZoneScriptoperator= (ZoneScript const &right)
ZoneScriptoperator= (ZoneScript &&right) noexcept
virtual ~ZoneScript ()
virtual uint32 GetCreatureEntry (ObjectGuid::LowType, CreatureData const *data)
virtual uint32 GetGameObjectEntry (ObjectGuid::LowType, uint32 entry)
virtual void OnCreatureCreate (Creature *)
virtual void OnCreatureRemove (Creature *)
virtual void OnGameObjectCreate (GameObject *)
virtual void OnGameObjectRemove (GameObject *)
virtual void OnAreaTriggerCreate (AreaTrigger *areaTrigger)
virtual void OnAreaTriggerRemove (AreaTrigger *areaTrigger)
virtual void OnUnitDeath (Unit *unit)
virtual ObjectGuid GetGuidData (uint32) const
virtual void SetGuidData (uint32, ObjectGuid)
virtual uint64 GetData64 (uint32) const
virtual void SetData64 (uint32, uint64)
virtual uint32 GetData (uint32) const
virtual void SetData (uint32, uint32)
virtual void TriggerGameEvent (uint32 gameEventId, WorldObject *source=nullptr, WorldObject *target=nullptr)
virtual void ProcessEvent (WorldObject *, uint32, WorldObject *)
virtual void DoAction (uint32 actionId, WorldObject *source=nullptr, WorldObject *target=nullptr)
virtual void OnFlagStateChange (GameObject *flagInBase, FlagState oldValue, FlagState newValue, Player *player)
virtual bool CanCaptureFlag (AreaTrigger *areaTrigger, Player *player)
virtual void OnCaptureFlag (AreaTrigger *areaTrigger, Player *player)

Private Member Functions

void PostUpdateImpl (uint32 diff) override
 Post-update hook. More...
bool IsCaptainAlive (TeamId teamId) const
void EventPlayerAssaultsPoint (Player *player, uint32 object)
void EventPlayerDefendsPoint (Player *player, uint32 object)
void EventPlayerDestroyedPoint (GameObject *gameobject)
void DoAction (uint32 actionId, WorldObject *source=nullptr, WorldObject *target=nullptr) override
void AssaultNode (BG_AV_Nodes node, Team team)
void DestroyNode (BG_AV_Nodes node)
void InitNode (BG_AV_Nodes node, Team team, bool tower)
void DefendNode (BG_AV_Nodes node, Team team)
StaticNodeInfo const * GetStaticNodeInfo (BG_AV_Nodes node) const
BG_AV_Nodes GetNodeThroughObject (uint32 object)
bool IsTower (BG_AV_Nodes node) const
void ChangeMineOwner (AlteracValleyMine mine, Team team, bool initial=false)
void SendMineWorldStates (AlteracValleyMine mine)
void UpdateNodeWorldState (BG_AV_Nodes node)
CreatureFindHerald (std::string_view stringId) const

Private Attributes

std::array< int32, PVP_TEAMS_COUNT_teamResources
uint32 m_Team_QuestStatus [PVP_TEAMS_COUNT][9]
std::array< BG_AV_NodeInfo, BG_AV_NODES_MAX_nodes
TimeTracker _mineResourceTimer
std::array< AlteracValleyMineInfo, 2 > _mineInfo
std::array< TimeTracker, PVP_TEAMS_COUNT_captainBuffTimer
std::array< bool, PVP_TEAMS_COUNT_isInformedNearVictory
GuidUnorderedSet _doorGUIDs
ObjectGuid _balindaGUID
ObjectGuid _galvangarGUID
GuidUnorderedSet _heraldGUIDs

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Battleground
typedef std::map< ObjectGuid, BattlegroundPlayerBattlegroundPlayerMap
typedef std::map< ObjectGuid, BattlegroundScore * > BattlegroundScoreMap
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Battleground
static TeamId GetTeamIndexByTeamId (Team team)
- Public Attributes inherited from Battleground
GuidVector BgObjects
GuidVector BgCreatures
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Battleground
void EndNow ()
void PlayerAddedToBGCheckIfBGIsRunning (Player *player)
Player_GetPlayer (ObjectGuid guid, bool offlineRemove, char const *context) const
Player_GetPlayer (BattlegroundPlayerMap::iterator itr, char const *context)
Player_GetPlayer (BattlegroundPlayerMap::const_iterator itr, char const *context) const
Player_GetPlayerForTeam (Team team, BattlegroundPlayerMap::const_iterator itr, char const *context) const
virtual bool PreUpdateImpl (uint32)
 Pre-update hook. More...
virtual void PostUpdateImpl (uint32)
 Post-update hook. More...
void _ProcessOfflineQueue ()
void _ProcessProgress (uint32 diff)
void _ProcessLeave (uint32 diff)
void _ProcessJoin (uint32 diff)
void _CheckSafePositions (uint32 diff)
void _ProcessPlayerPositionBroadcast (uint32 diff)
virtual void RemovePlayer (Player *, ObjectGuid, uint32)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Battleground
BattlegroundScoreMap PlayerScores
BattlegroundPlayerMap m_Players
uint8 m_Events
BattlegroundStartTimeIntervals StartDelayTimes [BG_STARTING_EVENT_COUNT]
uint32 StartMessageIds [BG_STARTING_EVENT_COUNT]
int32 m_TeamScores [PVP_TEAMS_COUNT]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 551 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BattlegroundAV()

BattlegroundAV::BattlegroundAV ( BattlegroundTemplate const *  battlegroundTemplate)

Definition at line 78 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~BattlegroundAV()

BattlegroundAV::~BattlegroundAV ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AssaultNode()

void BattlegroundAV::AssaultNode ( BG_AV_Nodes  node,
Team  team 

Definition at line 784 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ChangeMineOwner()

void BattlegroundAV::ChangeMineOwner ( AlteracValleyMine  mine,
Team  team,
bool  initial = false 

Definition at line 494 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DefendNode()

void BattlegroundAV::DefendNode ( BG_AV_Nodes  node,
Team  team 

Definition at line 811 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DestroyNode()

void BattlegroundAV::DestroyNode ( BG_AV_Nodes  node)

Definition at line 792 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DoAction()

void BattlegroundAV::DoAction ( uint32  actionId,
WorldObject source = nullptr,
WorldObject target = nullptr 

Reimplemented from ZoneScript.

Definition at line 477 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ EndBattleground()

void BattlegroundAV::EndBattleground ( Team  winner)
add enterevademode for all attacking creatures

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 401 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EventPlayerAssaultsPoint()

void BattlegroundAV::EventPlayerAssaultsPoint ( Player player,
uint32  object 

Definition at line 716 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EventPlayerDefendsPoint()

void BattlegroundAV::EventPlayerDefendsPoint ( Player player,
uint32  object 

Definition at line 678 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EventPlayerDestroyedPoint()

void BattlegroundAV::EventPlayerDestroyedPoint ( GameObject gameobject)

Definition at line 453 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FindHerald()

Creature * BattlegroundAV::FindHerald ( std::string_view  stringId) const

Definition at line 890 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetData()

uint32 BattlegroundAV::GetData ( uint32  dataId) const

Reimplemented from ZoneScript.

Definition at line 863 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetExploitTeleportLocation()

WorldSafeLocsEntry const * BattlegroundAV::GetExploitTeleportLocation ( Team  team)

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 774 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

◆ GetNodeThroughObject()

BG_AV_Nodes BattlegroundAV::GetNodeThroughObject ( uint32  object)

Definition at line 516 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPrematureWinner()

Team BattlegroundAV::GetPrematureWinner ( )

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 819 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetStaticNodeInfo()

StaticNodeInfo const * BattlegroundAV::GetStaticNodeInfo ( BG_AV_Nodes  node) const

Definition at line 598 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleInteractCapturableObject()

void BattlegroundAV::HandleInteractCapturableObject ( Player player,
GameObject target 

Definition at line 603 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleKillPlayer()

void BattlegroundAV::HandleKillPlayer ( Player player,
Player killer 

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 114 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ HandleKillUnit()

void BattlegroundAV::HandleKillUnit ( Creature unit,
Unit killer 

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 123 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ HandleQuestComplete()

void BattlegroundAV::HandleQuestComplete ( uint32  questid,
Player player 
add reputation, events (including quest not available anymore, next quest available, go/npc de/spawning)and maybe honor

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 205 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ InitNode()

void BattlegroundAV::InitNode ( BG_AV_Nodes  node,
Team  team,
bool  tower 

Definition at line 800 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsCaptainAlive()

bool BattlegroundAV::IsCaptainAlive ( TeamId  teamId) const

Definition at line 370 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsTower()

bool BattlegroundAV::IsTower ( BG_AV_Nodes  node) const

Definition at line 607 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ OnCreatureCreate()

void BattlegroundAV::OnCreatureCreate ( Creature creature)

Reimplemented from ZoneScript.

Definition at line 845 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ OnGameObjectCreate()

void BattlegroundAV::OnGameObjectCreate ( GameObject gameObject)

Reimplemented from ZoneScript.

Definition at line 832 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PostUpdateImpl()

void BattlegroundAV::PostUpdateImpl ( uint32  )

Post-update hook.

Will be called after battleground update has passed. May be used to implement custom update effects in subclasses.

diffa time difference between two worldserver update loops in milliseconds.
See also
Update(), PreUpdateImpl().

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 325 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RemovePlayer()

void BattlegroundAV::RemovePlayer ( Player player,
ObjectGuid  guid,
uint32  team 
search more buffs

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 442 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SendMineWorldStates()

void BattlegroundAV::SendMineWorldStates ( AlteracValleyMine  mine)

Definition at line 765 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetupBattleground()

bool BattlegroundAV::SetupBattleground ( )

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 779 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

◆ StartingEventOpenDoors()

void BattlegroundAV::StartingEventOpenDoors ( )

Reimplemented from Battleground.

Definition at line 380 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ UpdateNodeWorldState()

void BattlegroundAV::UpdateNodeWorldState ( BG_AV_Nodes  node)

Definition at line 746 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateScore()

void BattlegroundAV::UpdateScore ( Team  team,
int16  points 

Definition at line 299 of file BattlegroundAV.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ _balindaGUID

ObjectGuid BattlegroundAV::_balindaGUID

Definition at line 632 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _captainBuffTimer

std::array<TimeTracker, PVP_TEAMS_COUNT> BattlegroundAV::_captainBuffTimer

Definition at line 628 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _doorGUIDs

GuidUnorderedSet BattlegroundAV::_doorGUIDs

Definition at line 631 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _galvangarGUID

ObjectGuid BattlegroundAV::_galvangarGUID

Definition at line 633 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _heraldGUIDs

GuidUnorderedSet BattlegroundAV::_heraldGUIDs

Definition at line 634 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _isInformedNearVictory

std::array<bool, PVP_TEAMS_COUNT> BattlegroundAV::_isInformedNearVictory

Definition at line 630 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _mineInfo

std::array<AlteracValleyMineInfo, 2> BattlegroundAV::_mineInfo

Definition at line 626 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _mineResourceTimer

TimeTracker BattlegroundAV::_mineResourceTimer

Definition at line 624 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _nodes

std::array<BG_AV_NodeInfo, BG_AV_NODES_MAX> BattlegroundAV::_nodes

Definition at line 622 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ _teamResources

std::array<int32, PVP_TEAMS_COUNT> BattlegroundAV::_teamResources

Definition at line 619 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

◆ m_Team_QuestStatus

uint32 BattlegroundAV::m_Team_QuestStatus[PVP_TEAMS_COUNT][9]

Definition at line 620 of file BattlegroundAV.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: